October 12, 2010

iCarly & Ribs

Anyone else get tired of watching the same episodes over and over again of our kid's favorite TV shows? I sure do. I think I can quote several of the Sponge Bob episodes from start to finish. Well the other night I was grateful for all those iCarly shows that we're constantly watching.

So this is how dinner usually goes in our house. I cook it and put it on the table. We all sit down and immediately Jaxson pushes his plate away and says "I hate that" (even if he's eaten it several times before). The rest of us start eating and after about 15-20 minutes of coaxing, pleading, bribing and yes, sometimes even angry words, he will take a bite. About 90% of the time this is his response "I love it". Ugh!!! Then he proceeds to finish his dinner. Of course, by this time the rest of us are usually done eating and his food is cold but he still eats it. If only he knew it tastes so much better HOT!

So the other night we had BBQ ribs for dinner. Jaxson was outside with Larry while he was cooking them and he walked inside with a big mouthful of ribs. I was shocked! I asked Larry how he got him to try the ribs so easily and he said it was because Sam likes ribs. What?? Who's Sam? We don't know any Sam. Wrong! Of course we know a Sam, she's on iCarly! Silly me. So we sat down to a nice peaceful dinner with no "I hate that's" to deal with! THANK YOU iCarly!

I think I need to write the iCarly show and ask them to have Sam eat all kinds of good, nutritious foods and then maybe Jaxson will eat them too!

Yes, Sam wore a bib when she ate her ribs so Jaxson had to also. Whatever works right!

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