June 9, 2009

Canadian Bacon!

Larry has had a couple of overnights in Canada lately (Calgary I think) and he really doesn't like going there. We refrain from using our cell phones when he's out of the country because it costs extra -- yes, we're cheap -- and he hates it when he can't talk to the kids and tell them goodnight.

So we were talking about it the other day and Nate chimes in and says "Did you have the bacon?" We started cracking up. He wasn't joking either, he seriously wanted to know if he had Canadian bacon while he was in Canada.

I wasn't sure why or how Canadian bacon actually got its name so I did a little research on-line. Yes, I googled Canadian bacon. I found that what we call Canadian bacon is actually just ham. What the Canadians call "Canadian bacon" is something called Peameal or Back Bacon.

So I don't really know how ham became "Canadian Bacon" but it sure is yummy!

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