April 5, 2011

Mason 7 months

Mason just went in for what should have been his 6 month well check. But because he's been so sick with all the ear infections we were a month behind. He's 7 months old now. Boy how the time has flown by! It has been wonderful and exhausting all at the same time. We have really enjoyed having another baby in the house. The kids all adore him and it's been so nice having all the extra help with him. Even with all the ear infections he's been a really good baby. He's happy all the time and smiles at everyone. He takes 2-3 good naps a day and we're working on getting his nighttime sleeping habits back to normal after the ear tubes. He's at the fun age where he's learning all kinds of new stuff. Part of me wants him to grow up because this baby stage is so tiring but the other part of me wants him to stay a baby forever. I love snuggling with him and kissing him all over. He's so soft and squishy and has that yummy baby smell that I just love. When he puts his hands on my face or buries his head in my shoulder my heart just melts. We love him so much and feel so blessed that he is part of our lives.

Weight - 19 lbs 9 oz (75%)
Height - 29" (95%)
Head - 17 3/4" (50-75%) guess he's finally growing into that tiny head

Here's a look at the last month

First two teeth - 6 months exactly

I love that he can be down on the floor with the other kids now and I'm not so afraid of him getting squished. He's eating 3 times a day now and loves everything I feed him. This is such a relief because several of my other kids were picky eaters and I was dreading this whole process of solid foods. Thankfully Larry kind of forced my hand on the issue or he might still be on the bottle only. He's graduated from the baby bathtub to the bath chair. He sits up now. He's still kind of wobbly but getting better everyday.

And when I'm cooking or working in the kitchen he still likes his bumbo chair. He even managed to fall asleep in the bumbo the other day. He is just so dang cute and we love him to death!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

HAHAHA I love that picture of him asleep in the bumbo. That has never happened in our house before! How cute!