October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Katie

We went to MiAmigos for Katie's 22nd birthday tonight. We had most of the family there with all the kids - 9 kids in all. I remembered half way through the meal why we don't take the kids to restaurants much any more. They are embarrassing. My kids don't have any manners whatsoever and they are sooooo loud! We did have a good time though. They made Katie wear the big sombrero and sang to her.

Of course all the kids had to have their turn wearing the really big hat!



We weren't sure if McKensie was afraid of the sombrero or the really loud waiters singing happy birthday. While we were there they sang to about 5 different people.

Haley This is my dad comparing his pinky length to Nates. He has only had half of a pinky finger since he was a kid. There are lots of stories about how this happened, some crazier than others. I'm not sure my kids even know what the TRUE story is. His pinky stub has been the topic of conversation at many family dinners.




James and Jenni McBride said...

It's funny how much bigger your kids are! We just saw them less than a year ago and it looks like they have shot up. Looks like a fun time.

Jill said...

Great picts! looks like you had fun.